Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fall into FUN! - But be a safe trick or treater too

I have to say, having two small children who can be bended to my creative will is pretty fun. First year with two kids, we did Cinderella and a pumpkin. Second year? Ariel and Sebastian. This year? Elsa and Olaf. Can you see a trend here? Well, I know time is short. Eventually, my son will assert his own will, and the Disney princess theme will be out for him.

But for's all good. And super, super cute.

However, as we get ready to take to the neighborhood streets on tomorrow's night of fright (man, that sounds so much grittier than it actually is in a neighborhood like mine!), one thing this OCD mama isn't going to do is get too comfortable and relaxed about safety. No matter how docile your neighborhood is, here are five tips, poached from various sources and my own experience, that will keep everyone a little safer on this spooky night.

1. Light the night. You don't have to go all crazy with reflective material. There are definitely better, more fun ways to keep those kids bright and shiny in the dark. Not only do stores sell cute, battery-operated lanterns now, but an even easier, cooler, and cheaper way to light those kids up is with glow necklaces, bracelets, wands, etc. You can buy a ton for a low price, and I bet the kids won't complain at all!

2. Know where you're going. Sometimes, certain neighborhoods are heralded as "the place to trick or treat." And there's nothing wrong with that. But it helps if you know someone in the neighborhood you are planning to visit, and if not, think twice about visiting strange doors. Well-lighted streets with sidewalks are a huge bonus, and it's always better when you can go with a bigger group.

3. Stay close. If your children are small, this is a no brainer. You will be walking hand in hand with them (remember, if there are no sidewalks, walk against traffic and keep the little ones on the inside!). However, if your kids are older and expect more independence, sticking close can be a bit of a challenge. Don't fret. Learn to compromise, whether that means you'll be following them in the car, parking on the corner, or checking in with them at various times.

4. You know the drill. No unwrapped candy! Hate to be a party pooper here, but I'm suspicious of anything that doesn't come in a store bought wrapper. Maybe homemade pumpkin cookies are super, super cute, but if something's not sealed, you take your chances! And that's a scary thought.

5. Finally, double check the costume. Is it highly flammable? Something your child can trip in? What about shoes? Will your little one be complaining of barking feet before you make it one street? Make sure your child is warm and comfortable for an evening trek.

Well, I hope this helps! I'm certainly ready for tomorrow. In addition to my little Elsa and Olaf, the hubby agreed to don reindeer antlers (to be Sven), and I have a snowflake necklace and white hairspray to go as "Winter." And if we get bored with trick or treating, maybe the four of us will simply go build a snowman.

You know, if this were a snowy place and all.

That's all for October! Stay tuned next month when we take on holiday shopping!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fall into FUN - Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my! Let's go Haunt the Zoo...

Okay. I'll admit it. I've become a bit of a zoo rat.

Yeah, the family and I, we like to get going early on a Saturday morning, beat the traffic to the Oklahoma City Zoo, and sneak into the petting zoo before it becomes a zoo (hah!). Then it's a fun-filled race to see as many animals as we can before the two-year-old melts down over the penny machine.

So, imagine how excited we are about this year's 31st Haunt the Zoo! In an effort to bring you some of the best the area has to offer in spookified entertainment (such as the nearby Parkhurst Pumpkin Patch and Lake Arcadia's Storybook Forest), I figured this event is a another great way to lead up to the final spooky day of the year. Besides, if you paid as much as I did for a preschooler Olaf costume, you're going to want to get as much mileage out of that baby as you can.

Presented by the Children's Hospital Volunteers and Kohl's Cares, this year's Haunt the Zoo runs 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. from Sunday, October 26, through Friday, October 31. Not only do children get the opportunity to follow the pumpkin-lined pathway that stops at fantasy-themed booths to collect treats from volunteers, but the price of admission ($6 in advance or $7 at the gate) includes an official treat bag. Accompanying adults ages 18 and older are admitted free.

"As a mom (and of course, a huge Haunt the Zoo fan), I can tell you that this is a great event for families!" says Candice Rennels, marketing and public relations manager for the Oklahoma City Zoo. “Haunt the Zoo mixes the fun of trick-or-treating with the uniqueness of the Zoo. Each night families can experience the lights and sights of Haunt the Zoo as the event trail comes to life. The 21 themed booths along the trail feature family-friendly themes, decorations and props that are 'Oh so merry and not too scary,' making it perfect for little ones."
Well, I'm sold. Sounds like an event the kids won't forget anytime soon. And there's nothing wrong with making even Halloween a special memory.
Stay tuned next week as we gear up for trick or treating!


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Fall into FUN - Getting happy/spooky at Storybook Forest

Well, the Olaf costume came just yesterday, and my two-year-old son is pretty pumped - to look at it. No worries, I'm sure he'll be ready for it's cuddly warmth when Storybook Forest opens on October 23.

Fingers crossed the weather will cooperate.

Anyway, my little guy is trying to figure out this Halloween thingy, so his older sister now has him doing the craziest thing. First he says "Happy" with a bright smile, followed by "Spooky" in an obligatory deep voice and complimented by wide eyes. (Update...we discovered they learned this from an episode of Team Umizoomi).

It's so very funny. And it reminds me of exactly what Storybook Forest feels like to me. First off, there's nothing like driving up to Lake Arcadia, parking, and breathing in the smell of campfire as people roast marshmallows and sit on hay bales. This is all before you get in line for the main event - the "forest." You enter under a sign that says, "Once Upon a Time," which sets you on a wooded path.
Lake Arcadia at dusk, right before heading into Storybook Forest!


Once on the path, you begin a journey through nursery rhymes and fairy tales. One of the first things you'll see is Rapunzel letting down her hair and throwing candy at you.


Of course, as you wind through the fairy tales, your child receives more candy at each one. (BTW, don't forget your trick or treat buckets! I've learned my lesson the hard way, with coat pockets stuffed to the brim with melting chocolate!) You may find some of the setups a little disturbing, but nothing too scary for the kids - Snow White, the three little pigs, and Hansel and Gretel's witch, to name a few.


At the end of the trail, one finally arrives at the hayride (get there early, as the line gets long) and carnival type games that bring back those fall festivals my school used to have. Little prizes can be added to your child's candy stash, and your little one will go home with the scent of autumn in their spirit and their hair (I means, seriously, that campfire smell really sticks around!).


So check it out, and if you haven't already, check out last week's post on the Parkhurst Pumpkin Patch. Because autumn comes 'round only once a year, and if you blink, you'll miss it.


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Fall into FUN! - Let's go a pumpkin' patchin'

Ever since my family and I settled in Edmond several years ago, we have made a yearly journey (with our neighbors!) to the Parkhurst Pumpkin Patch. The first year, I had to chase my eighteenth-month-old daughter, who was overcome with excitement at the site of pallets upon pallets of pumpkins. This was on an unseasonably warm October day while I handled the exhaustion that comes from being two months pregnant. But it was so much fun, I vowed to return every year.

And I have.

The next year, it was unseasonably cold, my two-year-old daughter was now obsessed with the pygmy goats, and my six-month-old son looked like an Eskimo, barely able to be spotted amongst the blankets, mittens, and hats we covered him in. But we still managed a hayride.

And last year? Well, with two walkers, I had my work cut out for me. The three-year-old wanted a pony ride, as well as treats from the country store, and my eighteenth-month-old son was like, "Hey! This fire stuff is awesome!"

I said all that to say this: every year has been a treat, which means, I'm pumped to get back there in just the next few weeks. In case you haven't been out to this nearby pumpkin patch, and you're dying to try it, here are a few of the highlights...

Pumpkins! Well, duh. In fact, a small pumpkin is included with the price of admission, although many others are for sale.

Farm animals and more! Parkhurst will let you feed goats, hold a bunny, and even ride a pony (pony rides do have an extra charge). Just remember to purchase food for feeding the animals from Parkhurst, and then get a kick out of watching them mill around you like paparazzi stalking a celebrity!

Corn maze. Forget the movie Signs. Have your own exhilarating adventure (hopefully alien free!) in Parkhurst's offering.

Hayrides. Because nothing says "autumn" quite like it.

Concessions and more! Visit the fall-flavored in-door concession stand and then enjoy roasting marshmallows over a fire pit or lounging in a hammock. There's even a small fort for young children to play in (as well as a Cinderella carriage--pictured above--for extra photo ops).

Well, I hope that gives you some motivation to get in the fall spirit. For a comprehensive list of other pumpkin patches in the area, check out this link. Otherwise, stay tuned for my post about Storybook Forest next week!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fall into FUN! - A blog lineup that will have you chanting "We love pumpkins!"

Okay. The last few months, we've been a little serious here at Mom Around Town. And I know it's totally awesome that we have come to some deeper understanding of life. Sit with me and chant, "Ooommmm."

But moving on...

This month I want to talk to you about all the ah-mazing fall things this area has to offer to get you in that autumn spirit. I mean, really, just shout, "Pumpkin Spice Latte!" and I'm about as autumn-spirited as they come. But in case you're trying to work up the energy to spiderweb your door or put some spooky stuff in that yard, here are some opportunities to getcha in the mood!

October 9 - Pumpkins, pumpkins, we love pumpkins! I'm going to take us out to Arcadia, where the Parkhurst Ranch offers a petting zoo, pony rides, hayrides, bonfires, and of course, pumpkins! Oh, and there's a corn maze too. Why does that always make me think of the movie Signs? So creepy...but even better for getting in the spooky spirit!

October 16 - Lake Arcadia's Storybook Forest! Opening October 23 this year, the Storybook Forest offers those kiddos the chance to trick or treat with all their favorite story book characters, from Rapunzel to the Three Little Pigs. Also, not only can your kids dress up and explore the lovely trail through the woods, but there are carnival-like games at the end as well.

October 23 - Haunt the Zoo! What's more fun than seeing all those crazy animals? Seeing them while your kid is dressed in a rockin' costume, of course, at Haunt the Zoo! Starting October 26, this event gets the week of Halloween started with a roar.

October 30 - Trick or Treat Safety. Did I say we're going to have fun this month? I did. I totally did. But on this night before the scariest night of all, we'll be addressing the basics of trick or treating safety, with some cool ideas to keep your children from thinking, "Parents are such a drag."

So stay tuned for some spookilicious information! Because those of us with kids need to participate in this stuff while we've got an excuse to do so!