Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mother's Day perfection - Edmond style

Oh yeah. It's that day again...

A day to celebrate mom, and all her nose-wiping, spilt-milk cleaning, laundry folding, meal cooking, and daily chauffeuring. 'Cause man, she is one busy lady. And, usually mom does all her thankless tasks with a smile, but sometimes there's yelling, grunting, whining, and crying. But hey, moms are only human too.

So, why not plan a day worthy of super lady? Because if there's one thing this busy mama of two knows, it's that a little appreciation goes a long way. Let me give you a small window into a perfect mother's day, Edmond style.

Breakfast, but maybe not in bed. Okay, so a burnt pancake or dry eggs is still totally appreciated, but maybe it's time to treat mom to a breakfast worthy of her years of picking up a kajillion Cheerios. Go all out with a Sunday brunch at 501 Café and give her a smile that will last the day.

A church service, because you know they're going to talk about how awesome mommies are. Even if you're the Christmas and Easter type, this is a good day to attend, because most services honor mothers in a special way.

Lunch or dinner, somewhere special. Maybe you love BJ's or Red Robin's (and I certainly do), but if you're taking mom to lunch, make sure it's her favorite place. That doesn't mean you have to skip a chain restaurant if she loves it, but be open to the idea of something unique, such as a picnic lunch or dinner on the patio. And remember, if you cook at home, do not--I repeat, do not--leave mom to do the cleanup!

R&R. Does mom like to read? Watch the Housewives of Orange County? Fall asleep snoring on the couch? Take a bubble bath? Or, in my case, partake in retail therapy without dragging the hyperactive baby into a dressing room? Give her a few hours to do exactly what she likes. And don't make it sound like you're doing her a big favor. That's part of the gift.

Flowers, with a twist. Maybe she likes flowers. Maybe they make her sneeze. Maybe she  would rather have an assortment of something she can consume, such as fruit or cupcakes. Don't be afraid to make up your own arrangement of, well, whatever. Sometimes it's the time and thought that count the most.

A gift that says, "We may not listen much, but we do know what you need." Ideas? A gift certificate to Inspirations Tea Room or for a massage. A coupon for a free house cleaning from a reputable service or a babysitter for a full day. New shelves in the closet for her fifty million shoes. The thing is, you can be creative. Jewelry is awesome, flowers are special, but when it comes to the perfect gift, it's about giving mom something that says, "We get you."

So, if you're a mama, and these ideas sound pretty good to you, just send this link to you-know-who.

And, you're welcome.

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