Thursday, April 24, 2014

Time to start thinking...summer activities for those older kids

For the past two weeks, I've given you a pretty big list of the summer activities Edmond has to offer the littlest of kids as well as gradeschoolers. So, I now offer you some ideas for those kids on the brink of independence. Yep, middle and high school kids can definitely benefit from keeping busy this summer.

Cordell Ehrich, Principal at Cimarron Middle School, agrees, saying that not only is keeping older kids engaged during the summer important for keeping them out of trouble, but it’s an opportunity for them to explore new areas of interest to them.

But that's not the only reason you should keep kids involved. For older kids, Ehrich says connecting with peers is critical. “For middle schoolers, the social aspect is especially important to them, so summer activities give them the opportunity to have connected with more friends and have more connections on that first day of school."

So without further yapping, here's some possibilities.

Explore leadership...The Edmond YMCA will offer Camp E.L.I.T.E. (Empowering Leaders In Teamwork and Education), a program for youth 13 - 15 looking to grow as responsible leaders while building confidence. Campers will learn teamwork, service, child guidance, and decision making skills through activities and mentoring during the summer.

 Enhance skills...Both the Edmond and Deer Creek School systems offer camps for athletics during the summer, as well as driver's education. Check with the district to see what is available for your child. Also, the Coffee Creek Golf Course, Edmond Racquet Club, Arctic Edge Ice Arena, and Edmond Soccer Club offer private camps and lessons to improve skills.

Learn something new...Kids this age still like to learn new things, and sometimes undiscovered talents and interests can make their way into the limelight during summer camps or classes. The Fine Arts Institute of Edmond and Upstage Theater allow teenagers to explore their artistic sides, while the Francis Tuttle Summer Quest Classes offers everything from babysitter training to crime investigation skills to culinary arts (and much more)!

Do something good...There's no better time than the summer to devote to volunteering. Not only is it great experience and a college application builder, but volunteering gives teens the opportunity to discover the many ways they can make a difference already. Whether it's helping with vacation Bible school, getting involved with a charitable organization, training for a fundraising race, or helping out at a homeless shelter (like the City Rescue Mission), kids get the biggest attitude adjustment when they realize just how much they have.

Get experience...And speaking of gaining experience, summer is a great time to fill out a job application, get experience with job interviews, and earn some money. Learning how to balance work and play can be a great lesson the summer can teach any of us, but especially at an age when independence must be earned.

Well, I hope that helps! I'm a few years off from this age with my own kids, but the wheels are already turning.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Time to start thinking...summer activities for the grade school crowd

Last week, I gave you a rather hefty list of Edmond's summer activities open to the youngest of kiddos. But this week, hold onto your hat (I mean, really, it's been super windy out there), because the list of activities for the grade school crowd only gets bigger.

Let's jump right in...

For all around fun...The Edmond YMCA is an expert on day camps, and both the Mitch Park and Rankin locations will be offering camps for those 5 to 12 years of age (see a note about their teen camps in next week's blog, and their camp program booklet here). Not only do their summer camps emphasize the YMCA's three core principles--youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility--but mini camps will also be available, including ones that offer cooking, photography, etiquette, science, tumbling, and other areas of special interest.

For the young artist...There are a number of creative outlets for your kiddo in Edmond. For the budding artist, check out the Fine Arts Institute of Edmond. "Self expression is important at this age," says Janet Hoppe, Enrollment Coordinator. "Kids get bored during the summer, but this gives them the opportunity to relax and have fun while creating a project they walk out with at the end of the day." Other opportunities for the performing artist include Upstage Theater and Dance Phase camps.

For the developing athlete...Okay, we do like our sports here in Edmond, and the many camps prove it. Here are just some of the fun-filled athletic camps in which you can enroll your kiddo (some with activities that extend beyond just the actual sport itself): Arctic Edge Summer Sports Camp, Edmond Racquet Club , Edmond Soccer Club Recreational Camp, Kickingbird Tennis Center, and Oklahoma Golds Gymnastics.

For the outdoorsy kid...I'm sure there are more than just these two opportunities, but the Parkhurst Ranch camp teaches kids about nature, gardening, and animal care (they learn to milk a cow!), while Camp Cadence offers straight-up equestrian (horseback riding) skills.

For the scientist...For your budding Einstein, check out the Mad Science Camps!

For something faith-inspired...Vacation Bible schools generally go up to fourth or fifth grade and take place in the mornings, so this is could be a chance to give you and the kids a fun mini break from each other. For a local list, click here.

For the would-be fish...Swimming is critical, even if your kid isn't the next Michael Phelps (not necessarily a bad thing!). Check out a list of lessons here.

I'm sure there are more, because Edmond definitely knows how to do the family-friendly thing right. Just keep in mind that spaces go fast!

Stay tuned for middle and high school summer activities next week.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Time to starting thinking...summer activities for the littles

Okay now, I'm totally not starting with preschool summer activities because this is the age near and dear to my heart. It's simply the age when a parent first goes nuts about that long summer and how to keep junior adequately occupied.

Enter Edmond's amazing list of summer activities (see last year's lineup here).

Now you can trip on down to the zoo (the hyenas are especially creepy) or the science museum (kids can't get enough of that giant robot!), which are definitely family-fun gigs. But when it comes to week-long or weekly classes, there's plenty to choose from right here in town. Here are just some of the amazing opportunities for little ones this summer (and if you're a local business, I'm always happy to add more to this list!).

Camps for the budding artist or performer....Edmond has several great opportunities for preschoolers to try their hand at the arts. The Fine Arts Institute of Edmond offers their Little Artist Camp for those ages 3 to 6, which will include painting, making collages, and creating 3-D art. Also, Dance Phase offers a Princess Camp for those ages 3 through 7, which includes dance instruction as well as other engaging activities.

Weekly sports classes...Most of the sports places listed here offer classes all year long, but some offer special summer deals as a way to try something out. Several Edmond hotspots for preschool athletics are the Edmond YMCA, Oklahoma Gold Gymnastics, Arctic Edge Ice Arena, and Edmond Soccer Club.

Mothers Day Out...Nothing better prepares those little ones to get into the swing of preschool, pre-K, or kindergarten like a fun-filled mothers' day out program (see a list here--not all will have summer availability). Becky Scharf, Director of Stepping Stones Mothers Day Out, agreed, saying, "It is important for kids to remain on some sort of schedule during the summer to keep them active and engaged." That may be true for us parents too, huh?

Vacation Bible School...For a week of faith-inspired activities and socialization, check out this year's list of local VBS opportunities here...

Swimming...And,  as always, a reminder that kids of any age, but this age in particular, have much to benefit from summer swimming lessons. Check for a list of local lessons here.

So, yes. It's time to start thinking about signing up. The problem is...what to choose? You know what? It's a good problem to have.

Stay tuned for grade school summer activities next week!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Time to start thinking...about summer (activities)

You did it! You made it through one of the most wintery winters we've had here in a while. It's time to start pulling out shorts, think about swim suits and vacations, and yes, consider how to keep those kiddos busy all summer long.

And with so many summer programs getting ready for "sign up" time, you've got to think hard and fast.

There's so much to choose from in Edmond, that I find myself a little dazed as I think about all the options. Sports? Music? Swimming pool memberships? Art camp?

Sigh. And to think my childhood summer breaks used to consist of a pile of books, two siblings, and a overactive imagination to keep me busy.

Well, guess what? You certainly don't have to overdo it. The best thing is to find that happy medium between keeping the minds and bodies of your kids active while still enjoying the laid-back pace of the season.

Pre-K and younger...If your kiddos are in daycare, chances are the program already has some fun summer activities up their sleeve! But if your kids are home with you, that doesn't mean they can't participate in some group fun, and at this age, working on social skills throughout the summer is definitely a benefit when preschool or Pre-K starts in the fall. There are several Mothers Day Out Programs offered during the summer (see list of MDO programs here), but if the cost or your summer schedule is prohibitive, just scheduling a weekly playgroup can do the trick.

As for other activities, programs for preschoolers abound. Places like Oklahoma Gold Gymnastics, Arctic Edge, Soccer City, The Fine Arts Institute of Edmond, and the YMCA offer many fun, affordable options. And don't forget this is a great time to get your child water safe. For a list of swimming programs, click here.

For more on this topic, check back April 10.

For elementary school kids...This is a time where your child can explore different sports and creative outlets, and taking advantage of summer programs that give children that opportunity can give them something to call their own. Maybe you've explored several different sports, and your child now knows what he or she does or doesn't like (often related to what that kiddo feels good at doing). Week-long camps are a great way to immerse a kid in an activity, and weekly, summer-long programs can contribute to long-term development. For a list of some local programs, check back April 17.

For the older crowd...A kid has often become specialized by this time, so choosing an activity can be easier. Music and sport camps are often offered through the school system, ones that you may know about long before the summer gets here.

But finding programs isn't the only thing a pre-teen or teenager can get involved in. In fact, the summer is a perfect time to begin discovering interests and building up experience through summer jobs and volunteering. Many churches will be running Vacation Bible School programs and will need teenagers to help, and other charities will be happy to have a volunteer. And if kids pick something near and dear to their heart, they'll gain valuable work experience as well as that buzz that comes from helping others. For more on this topic, check back April 24.

Finally, you don't have to spend big bucks to make the summer memorable for those kids. Places like the zoo, the science museum, and even just playing together as a family at a park can create a sense that the summer is a special time of year. Just be intentional about making a plan, and in their downtime, just let those kids be kids.