Thursday, November 13, 2014

Just hear those wallets jingling - Five reasons to shop local this Christmas

It's that time of year - time to get your wallet ready and your credit card warmed up. Time to find all the gifts for all the right people.

I've got to sit down. This is overwhelming already.

This November, Mom Around Town is taking on the topic of where to spend those holiday dollars in the effort to do Christmas shopping right. In future posts, I'll be talking about the pros/cons of shopping at major retailers and online outlets, but for now, I want to talk about keeping that shopping money local.

Local businesses are in quite the fight for life in most cities. With major retailers and online giants competing by sheer economy of scale, the little guys have to offer what the giants can't, and that means they often do something pretty cool - they take special care of the other little guys. That's right - you and me, the shoppers.

As I explored the crazy world of Christmas shopping, I came across five reasons I might shop local this holiday season:

1. Personalized attention. Have you ever walked into a large retail store, needed some help, and were met by the sound of crickets? Yep, I've been there. You feel kind of goofy, walking through a place calling, "Hello? Hello?" But this isn't true at most small shops. "If you need help or don't have a clue what to get someone, we have someone to help you," says Patti Tepper-Rasmussen, owner of the Learning Tree in Oklahoma City and Edmond.

2. Ready, wrap, go! Available help isn't the only thing a store like The Learning Tree has to offer. They will also wrap a gift, getting it ready for you before you even leave the store. And they're not the only ones. Many local businesses are especially helpful at Christmas, willing to go the extra mile by getting a present boxed up or putting in a special order and calling you personally when it arrives.

3. Expertise. Another aspect of shopping at locally-owned business goes hand in hand with reason #1. Not only will someone usually be available to help, but often personnel have expertise in what's being sold. "I can choose something that is best for a certain age of child," promises Learning Tree's Patti. She also says a local store may be more willing to demonstrate how items work, happy to spend time and build solid relationships with their customers.

4. Good prices! No, really! If you think you'll pay through the nose by shopping local, that's not necessarily true. Programs like the "Keep it Local OK" card and the "Allied Arts OKC" card apply to many local stores, and when you put those businesses' personalized attention with the lower prices, the value of utilizing  these small stores goes way, way up.

5. And finally, put your money where your home is. "Keep sales tax money in your city and state!" urges Patti. If you shop here, the city and state benefit directly, because businesses pay taxes too, in addition to sales tax. And who wouldn't want to get money back?

So there you have it. As you and your credit card do warm-up calf stretches together, just keep all that in mind. Then go forth and buy presents.

And stay tuned next week as we talk about the pros/cons of major retail shopping!

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