Thursday, November 27, 2014

Just hear those wallets jingling...the good, the bad, and the "oh" of shopping online

First off, Happy Thanksgiving.

You're stuffed to the brim with turkey, potatoes, and oh-so-much pie, so I'm sure the last thing you want to think about is that persnickety holiday shopping. But whether you plan to burn off those calories in Black Friday mayhem (read my post on shopping retail) or score the best deals from your desk chair while shopping online, here are some important questions to ask.

Is shopping online more convenient? Um, duh. Anytime you can shop in pink bunny pajamas (where can I get those?), it's a win, win. Oh, and not battling it out for the last space in the parking lot? Extra bonus. Next question.

Do I get the best deals online? Well, first let's ask this: is price the real reason we shop online? "Not exactly. It depends on the category," says Susan Lee, a partner at Simon-Kucher, who examines trends in consumer retail practices. Consumers do flock to online outlets for electronics and toys in hopes of better prices (although the number one reason people shop for toys was better variety). But unless you do an actual price comparison, you won't know for sure, although price comparison may be something you can also achieve quickly online. Another benefit of online shopping? You can look up coupon codes at the same time and use them. But don't assume it's lower priced just because it's not in a store! It all comes down to research - especially for big ticket items.

Do I get better variety online? As mentioned, one of the number one reasons people shop for toys online is they believe they will get better variety there (also, sometimes if a toy is sold out in the store, I figure I'll be able to get it at the shopping mecca of Amazon). The question sometimes comes down to strategy. A few months ago, I was in search of a soft Elsa doll (Disney Store specific). The online Disney Store was sold out, but our local Disney Store told me when to come looking for shipments of them. Long story short, I did miss the doll, but only because the toddler had to go to the doctor the day they came in. Sometimes, talking to a salesperson (What? Talk to a stranger?) can be the payoff for getting a hard-to-find item. Make them your co-conspirator!

Can I return things online? Usually, I really want to touch and feel something before that credit card gets its workout. And that's been one of my biggest issues with online shopping - at least for some toys, clothing, and accessories. What does it really look like? Books, movies, music, many electronics - you know what you're getting. Many online sites do offer free returns, but be on the lookout for the ones that don't and keep that cash from washing down the drain!

What are the hidden costs of shopping online? When it comes to shopping online, the biggest additional price is shipping. Some stores, like B&, provide free shipping on any order of any price with their $25 membership card (which also gives a 10 percent discount). But without a membership, most online stores will charge you shipping, especially under a certain price point. However, once you get the membership or reach that specific price point, happily shop on, knowing that the retailer is picking up the cost of getting your stuff to you (FYI, online shopping is helping delivery services, such as the U.S. Post Office, survive for the moment!).

So there it is! At the end of the day, money can be saved online, but those fingers are going to get a workout. Then again, if you are a die-hard shopper who craves atmosphere, just get out there!

There are no wrong choices for Christmas shopping.

Well, that wraps up our holiday shopping series (hah!). Stay tuned next month for suggestions for starting some great holiday traditions.

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